Sunday, August 05, 2007

Hell's own launderette

The instructions for gite #2 said - turn right at the launderette (laverie) - this seemed a little strange as elsewhere it said the nearest shops were 4 miles away, so anyway we drove there and there was a total absence of commercial premises! Retracing our steps though Roche (the hamlet) we saw a sign for 'Lavoir de Roche' and the penny dropped and wheels began to turn in my brain from when I'd read Rimbaud at the age of 18 (probably the best age for such things!). The gite was more or less on the site of the farm where Rimbaud completed Une Saison en Enfer and the walls of the gite were dotted with framed poems! Roche was full of literary walks - a pleasing and unexpected bonus for a week in a very quiet piece of France.
.. 'could have inspired'.... hmmmmmm
I'd agree with the second link mentioning the terrible drawings!
Pictures of the gite and walks to follow!

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