Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Romantic Imagination

When I read those lines I quoted in my last post I was immediately reminded of this song from Mahler's Der Tambourg'sell - a drummer boy is being led to the gallows for desertion (cue lots of military style music) and bids farewell to, not only his comrades and officers, but the mountains. Here it is sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, the film isn't good but listen to the music and the final eerie darkness.

...Gute Nacht, ihr Marmelstein’,
Ihr Berg’ und Hügelein!
Gute nacht, ihr Offizier’,
Korporal’ und Musketier’!
Gute Nacht, ihr Offizier’,
Korporal’ und Grenadier’!

Ich schrei mit heller Stimm’,
Gute Nacht! Gute Nacht!
Von euch ich Urlaub nimm.

You'll find the translation in the subtitles and also here.

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