Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Thanks to an article on fondues on the Guardian website - we have two contraptions for cooking fondue - I've been thinking of those dishes and a comment took me to shellfish and now I find this glorious poem quoted here on Mark Doty's weblog:
Blue inside
obsidian, blue of compression,
blue of the fleck

and of flash-
cooled glass. We anchor
volcanic, and fast.

We embrace
and make changeful our
beach. We bury.

Between, we
breach -- our numbers our
read -- but do

not be fooled
by the forfeit of blue,
that sad shadow mim-

icry shift-
ing on waves, or within.
Not slate, nor

azure, we
are devotion to tidal

we turn to the
backing away of the ocean
as cicadas

turn to their
seventeenth year, as delphinia
gravely follow

the sun, not
unlike some seraphim long
after faltering.
from torch song tango choir by Julie Sophia Paegle to be published in the Summer (University of Arizona Press)- unfortunately I can't find a good link for the book, but enjoy the poem it reminds me of hot summers and rockpools!

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