Sunday, February 08, 2009

Blast from the (Linux) past

TuxRadar has a reprint of an article from the first Linux Format magazine with a survey of (then) current Linux Distros. I had that magazine (I think assuming it was the first under that name, I think an early issue appeared under a different name) and installed the cover cd of Definite Linux - now long gone! I then had a brief dalliance with Red Hat before moving to Mandrake/Mandriva where I seem to have stuck - apart from various Ubuntu installations on household and work machine!
And now blasts from the Linux case anyone wants to offer suggestions!
I upgraded to Mandriva 2009 a few weeks ago but still have a couple of issues:
  • Brasero won't run at all:
    [robert@faure emacs]$ brasero
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    K3b will work, so I can burn cds but I'm used to brasero...
  • amarok 2 really dislikes music with non-English characters in the file name (or is it the tags), i.e. French accents, umlauts etc.. it either stops for a break before that item on the playlist or won't play the track at all! I've upgraded a fixed pulseaudio which claimed to fix this issue but I see no improvement with amarok
  • On my work laptop I'm using the amarok nightly builds which seem to be a lot better, no stopping for a rest and it also has the 'stop playing after this track' (use it all the time) but I've - so far - not found a source of rpm's for this and am resisting building from source on a daily basis!

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