Saturday, January 26, 2008

Creating stories

As just mentioned - we've been at a parish weekend - not very far away, really within walking distance! where the speaker Ann Morisey (can't find a good web link) was talking - amongst many other things - about community involvement giving the opportunity for us to let others tell their stories and also to allow them to create stories of their own. 'Hey you'll never guess what I spent the weekend doing' which gets told and the momentum carries on.
I could have listened to her all day, she was born in Bootle - only a few miles along the coast from my own birthplace, so maybe the accent had something to do with it! But her combination of earthed stories and piercing insight gave me a lot to think about. `We often mistake doing jobs in church for discipleship' - echoes of my Richard Rohr quote about cheap religion? Risk taking 'could we - should we' or shall we just carry on as normal!?
The seeing of the face of the other.

She's speaking at tomorrow's service and we bought her two books which will - no doubt - be further food for thought!


PamBG said...

She spoke at our District's summer Synod and she was fab. A fantastic, inspiring speaker.

I also bought some of her books. Have I had time to read them? ;-)

Hopefully when my paper is turned in on the 18th of February I can start reading what *I* want to read.

rajm said...

Hope it - the paper - completes on time! As you may gather from my entry I was impressed. I noticed you'd heard her when I was googling for webpages on her and came across a comment from you on someone else's blog