Sunday, November 25, 2018

Mutterings - Nov 25

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Hack :: Space
  2. Unimpressed :: Sniffy
  3. Garden :: Shed
  4. Saliva :: Drool
  5. Ache :: Back
  6. Elect :: Gevernment
  7. Format :: A4
  8. Temper :: Iron
  9. Snail :: Horns
  10. Holidays :: Walks!

Saturday, November 17, 2018


I wanted to have a photo of the new Codethink work offices before I retire at the end of this month to link with this posting back from 2009 of TNEI's offices in Newcastle. Here's the Dale St offices
Green and white used to be very much the fashion, I think I remember similar tiling being present in the Cussons offices in North Manchester where I worked on a project back in 1977?

Mutterings - Nov 17

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Notification :: Email
  2. Vote :: early, vote often!
  3. Simmer :: Rage
  4. Biology :: Textbook
  5. Constant :: Planck
  6. Nail :: Hammer (I wonder if my previous answer was the mental link of the compiler to 'nail'!?)
  7. Filter :: Coffee
  8. Curls :: Innocent
  9. Sensation :: Pop
  10. Strap :: -On (errrmm!)

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Mutterings - Nov 4

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Persistence :: Dogged
  2. Access :: all areas
  3. Pulp :: Fiction
  4. Sincere :: Greetings
  5. Dog :: Follow
  6. Restriction :: Choke
  7. Drilling :: Quake ( contentious fracking has recently started in the North west)
  8. Pony :: Red (Copland..)
  9. Monday morning :: Feeling
  10. Retirement :: Nearly there!!! - see the announcement here!