Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mutterings - Oct 30

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Unflattering :: Posture
  2. Challenge :: University
  3. Passion :: Narrative
  4. Founder :: Glug (Didn't know you'd lost 'er - I'll get my coat!)
  5. Home :: Page
  6. Puppet :: Virtual Machine (puppet is a system for creating virtual machines of computers)
  7. Lotion :: Suntan
  8. Flavor :: Icecream
  9. Respectful :: Silence
  10. Runway :: Landing
Just squeaking in in time and as you may gather from some of these we've been away!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mutterings - Oct 18

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Submit :: Update
  2. Recollection :: lieu cher, I thought it must be a peom but I see it's a Tchaikovsky work
  3. Humble :: Uriah Heep
  4. Wire :: Magazine
  5. Braces :: Belt
  6. Tunnel :: Vision
  7. Strategic :: Objective (military or project?)
  8. Padding :: Space (was PAD a COBOL keyword?)
  9. Sophisticated :: Taste
  10. Wrist :: Action (piano...)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Teaser Tuesday Oct 11

Teaser Tuesday
The rules are:
  • Grab your current read.
  • Let the book fall open to a random page.
  • Share with us two (2) 'teaser' sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
  • You also need to share the title and author of the book that you’re getting your 'teaser' from .. that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you've given!
Yes I know it's nothing like Tuesday but busyness currently reigns!
He says that this correction of distortion enables people to see each other in a completely different light. They are able to gain the dignity of mutuality.
From Una Kroll's Forgive and Live I found this a helpful book, I was reading it partially for a talk preparation but also because issues of forgiveness have loomed large for me in recent years - maybe that's true for all of us as we age! She takes us through anonymized case studues, Biblical reflection and the connections. Recommended!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mutterings - Oct 15

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Luke :: Gospel
  2. Towel :: Arthur (Hitchhiker's guide..)
  3. Arrest :: Under
  4. Curls :: Tongs
  5. Dust :: Space
  6. Flipped :: Burger
  7. Remote :: Buttons
  8. Swipe :: Card
  9. Magazine :: Gun
  10. Cotton :: Picker (and probably Deputy Dawg! - though that was pickin'!)

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Mutterings - Oct 4

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Forgetfulness :: Lethe
  2. Diagram :: xfig (that's going back a bit, but the software is still downloadable and as quirky as ever!)
  3. Inconsiderate :: Child
  4. Relapse :: Mental
  5. Jingling :: Coins (tries to remember the indulgence collector beginning with C with the jingle and fails - ah Tetzel, after a websearch "As soon as a coin in the coffer rings / the soul from purgatory springs" - I think I was trying to remember - and spell - Cajetan)
  6. Counter :: Snakes & Ladders
  7. Backspace :: Key
  8. Flush :: Royal
  9. Awkward :: Move (climbing?)
  10. Thumb :: Under (piano)

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Walking away

Walking Away

For Sean

By C. Day Lewis

It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day-
A sunny day with the leaves just turning,
The touch-lines new-ruled - since I watched you play
Your first game of football, then, like a satellite
Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away

Behind a scatter of boys. I can see
You walking away from me towards the school
with the pathos of a half-fledged thing set free
Into a wilderness, the gait of one
Who finds no path where the path should be.

That hesitant figure, eddying away
Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem,
Has something I never quite grasp to convey
About nature's give-and-take - the small, the scorching
Ordeals which fire one's irresolute clay.

I had worse partings, but none that so
Gnaws at my mind still. Perhaps it is roughly
Saying what God alone could perfectly show-
How selfhood begins with a walking away,
And love proved in the letting go.

This was today's reading in a book of daily readings I have, it seemed good to share.


A few weeks ago now I returned to Trinity hall Cambridge for a reunion and
Trinity Hall
I spent a little time wandering around the colleges - you'll find the photos here and there's an additional album on google